Javascript introduction

Javascript Introduction

JavaScript is a versatile and widely-used programming language primarily used for creating interactive effects within web browsers. Here’s a basic introduction to JavaScript:

What is Javascript?

JavaScript is a scripting language that enables you to create dynamically updating content, control multimedia, animate images, and much more on a webpage. Unlike HTML (which structures content) and CSS (which styles content), JavaScript adds interactivity and behavior to web pages.

Key Features

Client-Side Language

JavaScript code runs on the client’s browser, meaning it’s executed on the user’s device, not the web server.


JavaScript code runs on the client’s browser, meaning it’s executed on the user’s device, not the web server.


Much of JavaScript’s power comes from its ability to respond to events like clicks, form submissions, and other user actions.

Asynchronous Programming

JavaScript uses asynchronous programming, allowing operations to run independently without blocking other operations. This is crucial for tasks like fetching data from servers without freezing the user interface.


JavaScript is an object-oriented language, meaning it uses objects to organize and structure code.


See the Pen
by Meena Subash (@Meena-Subash-the-sasster)
on CodePen.

How To Use


You can write JavaScript code directly within HTML using <script> tags, as shown in the example above.

External Files

For larger scripts or better organization, you can include JavaScript from external files:

<script src="script.js"></script>

Where script.js is your JavaScript file.


Browser Console

Every modern browser comes with a built-in JavaScript console for testing and debugging.

Text Editors/IDEs

Use editors like Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, or Atom for writing and managing JavaScript files.


There are many popular JavaScript libraries and frameworks like React.js, AngularJS, and Vue.js that simplify and enhance JavaScript development.

Learning Javascript

Online Courses

Platforms like Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, and Udemy offer interactive JavaScript courses.


The official MDN Web Docs for JavaScript is an excellent resource for learning in-depth concepts.


“Eloquent JavaScript” by Marijn Haverbeke and “JavaScript: The Good Parts” by Douglas Crockford are highly recommended.

JavaScript’s capabilities have grown immensely since its inception, making it an essential tool for modern web development. Whether you’re building a simple interactive form or a complex single-page application, JavaScript is likely to be a fundamental part of your toolkit.

Javascript History

The history of JavaScript is quite fascinating! Here’s a brief overview:

Birth of Javascript

1995: JavaScript was created by Brendan Eich in just 10 days while he was working at Netscape Communications. It was originally named “Mocha,” then “LiveScript,” before finally being named JavaScript, partly as a marketing move to associate it with the increasingly popular Java language.

Ealry Stage

1996: Microsoft released JScript as part of Internet Explorer 3. JScript was Microsoft’s implementation of JavaScript with some modifications.


1997: JavaScript was submitted to ECMA International for standardization. This resulted in the ECMAScript standard, with the first edition published in June 1997.

ECMA Script Versions

  • 1999: ECMAScript 3 was released, which became the widely implemented version for many years.
  • 2009: ECMAScript 5 was published, introducing significant new features like Object.defineProperty(), strict mode, and more.
  • 2015: ECMAScript 6 (ES6), also known as ECMAScript 2015, was a major update with new syntax, features like classes, arrow functions, let and const declarations, and much more. This version marked a turning point in JavaScript’s evolution.
  • 2016 – Present: ECMAScript began a yearly release cycle, introducing new features and updates regularly. Subsequent versions were named by year, such as ES2016, ES2017, ES2018, and so on.

Growth and Popularity

  • JavaScript saw explosive growth with the rise of the web, becoming one of the core technologies for building dynamic and interactive web pages.
  • Frameworks and libraries like jQuery, AngularJS, React, and Vue.js further fueled JavaScript’s popularity, making it a versatile language for both front-end and back-end development.


2009: Ryan Dahl released Node.js, which allowed developers to run JavaScript on the server-side. Node.js brought JavaScript beyond the browser, enabling server-side scripting, networking applications, and more.

Current State

  • JavaScript remains one of the most popular programming languages in the world, with a vast ecosystem of tools, libraries, and frameworks.
  • Efforts like TC39 (Technical Committee 39) continue to evolve the language through the ECMAScript standardization process, ensuring JavaScript’s continued relevance and growth.

JavaScript’s versatility, combined with its continuous evolution, has solidified its position as a fundamental language in modern software development.

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