July 2024

HTML Quotations, citations and Comments

HTML Basics: HTML Quotations, Citations and Comments

HTML Quotations, Citations and Comments. Here, we are discussing HTML Quotations, Citations and Comments. blockquotes, inline quotes and citation are parts of Quotation in HTML. Sing-line line comments and multi-line comments are parts of Comments in HTML. We have already discussed about HTML paragraph, Style and Formatting. HTML Quotations The <blockquote> and <q> elements are

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HTML Headings Basics

HTML Headings Basics

HTML Headings The headings of sections on a webpage are defined using HTML Headings. From <h1>to<h6>, there six levels of headings. <h1> is the highest level(or more significant) and <h6> is the lowest level. Headings Explanation Below is a quick synopsis of every heading level: <h1>: This is a page’s primary heading, usually used only

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